BD Private Landscape

The private garden at the Mother Government in Lebanon embraces a unique blend of French and English garden styles, carefully merging the principles of both designs. The French garden influence is prominent in the use of axes and symmetrical layouts, creating a sense of order and grandeur. Meanwhile, the English garden influence introduces a free-spirited, asymmetrical touch, allowing for a more relaxed and naturalistic ambiance.

To achieve this harmonious blend, the garden employs clever techniques such as leveling and the strategic use of hard scape elements. The soft scape, consisting of a diverse selection of green plants, shrubs, and two major tree species, complements the overall aesthetic. These elements not only provide visual interest but also contribute to the ecological balance of the space.

The garden’s design aims to evoke different moods and experiences as one explores its various areas. From expansive castle views to intimate and romantic garden nooks, the garden offers a range of outdoor scales and unforgettable scenery. This masterfully crafted landscape serves as a testament to the beauty of nature and the art of garden design, providing an enchanting and memorable environment for all who visit.